Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Value of Vacation

Ah, sweet vacation. Whoeve made MLK a national day off should be made a saint! Not only do we get a day off to remember the works of Martin Luther King, Jr., but I get a day off. :D

This happiness is only coupled by the fact that I have completed my homework yesterday and finsihed my first quiz in Western Civ. I made a 77.5 on it, which is not bad at all. I can do better, but this is a great start.

I also discovered iTunes for the first time in my life. I know, its sad. What makes it more sadder is that I'm twenty years old. Ah well, at least I found out how to use it now than later.

Although I'm enjoying myself, I can't help but think of the poor people in Haiti. It really shows you how sudden and powerful nature is. :( I wished I was old enough (or at least weighed enough) to go donate blood for them, but then I realized, "Where would they put it?"

I know the likelyhood of Haitians reading this blog is slim to none, but I just wanted to say this: You are in our thoughts and prayers.

I just hope we do more than basic cleanup.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Return to School

Well, I am officially back for the second part of my sophmore year in my University. I don't live in the university, though.

I'm taking:
History of Western Civilization II
History of Latin America
Geography 102
British Lit. II

Being a history nut and a History/English major, and the fact that I love Geography with a passion, it's like I'm in heaven.

It's strange, really. We're beginning the Geography course talking about the inside of the Earth and rocks. This is really showing me how little my science teachers of my elementary school days had taught me. Either that or I didn't pay attention, which is very possible.

I just never understood the idea of rocks and minerals and the different types. All I got out of the elementary school science classes was that the Earth had four parts and everything below the crust was lava and very, very, hot.

I think I may end up becoming a Geography professor one day.