Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Value of Vacation

Ah, sweet vacation. Whoeve made MLK a national day off should be made a saint! Not only do we get a day off to remember the works of Martin Luther King, Jr., but I get a day off. :D

This happiness is only coupled by the fact that I have completed my homework yesterday and finsihed my first quiz in Western Civ. I made a 77.5 on it, which is not bad at all. I can do better, but this is a great start.

I also discovered iTunes for the first time in my life. I know, its sad. What makes it more sadder is that I'm twenty years old. Ah well, at least I found out how to use it now than later.

Although I'm enjoying myself, I can't help but think of the poor people in Haiti. It really shows you how sudden and powerful nature is. :( I wished I was old enough (or at least weighed enough) to go donate blood for them, but then I realized, "Where would they put it?"

I know the likelyhood of Haitians reading this blog is slim to none, but I just wanted to say this: You are in our thoughts and prayers.

I just hope we do more than basic cleanup.

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